Compliance training made easy. Whistle

Compliance training made easy

Compliance training

What if your compliance training was easy and improved your business outcomes?

Most training programs are tired and a topic like compliance is far from inspiring.  Add to that outdated brochures and dated movies and your compliance training is not much more than a box checking exercise that demotivates employees and contributes to your turnover.  Yes, your bad training experience could actually be causing people to leave.

Whistle is the first Learning platform to integrate the key elements that drive business outcomes – ability (microlearning), motivation (micropayments, recognition), cues (AI informed nudges and recommendations) while removing friction (user centric design and mobile centric approach). Together these maximize the potential of changing people’s behavior – employees and partners, and help companies not only offer a better training experience, but improve productivity and profitability.

It is time for a smarter approach to compliance training.


Call us now at 1-(650) 392-3436, send us an email or fill out the contact form below

We looked at dozens of platforms and it was clear that Whistle is way ahead of the curve.  The focus on user experience, direct connection to business results and the advanced data tools made Whistle an easy decision.

– Jamie Damato Migdal
CEO, Fetchfind

The Whistle Data Platform gives clients the ability to organize client data in new ways, and more importantly deliver custom reports that automatically segment results for different people in the organization.  Whistle is game changing.

– Jesse Wolfersberger
CEO, Vrity

  • Designed with the participant in mind

    Mobile centric learning that matches how we consume media today – in bite size chunks

  • Easy to configure and customize

    Intuitive admin tools make content creation and configuration easy, so your content keeps up with the rapidly changing needs of your channel

  • Advanced AI and machine learning

    Leverage AI tools that guide each participant to the knowledge that will maximize their success – and yours

  • Progress indicators

    Progress indicators, leaderboards and other data visualizations allowing each participant to track their progress, stay engaged and motivated

  • Badges and Recognition

    Badges and other recognition tools are natively integrated, keeping people motivated and engaged throughout the learning experience