Manager Training with Whistle


Train People Managers to be People Managers

A key driver of every business is effective people managers, yet most organization promote people with limited support or people management skills.  Whistle partnered with leading thought leaders to create manager training tools and content specific to creating great people managers.

Employee turnover app
Manager Training is easy with Whistle

Easy to manage

Whistle integrates the key elements needed to create an effective manager training experience through templates and features that are both easy to use and configure.

Manager Training Simplified


Whistle focuses on simplicity throughout the manager training experience because no one needs more libraries of information or un-curated content.  Removing distracting features and focusing on what matters helps you and your managers accomplish more with less.

Integrated Manager Training


From HR to accounting systems, Slack to Teams, whistle makes integration into almost any platform easy so you can automate more of you manager training complexity and reduce time wasted managing process.

Manager Training with Whistle

The Whistle platform automates the complexity of specific people programs, like manager training, so companies can move the needle on employee loyalty – improving their top and bottom line in just a few months.

Companies already improving employee loyalty with Whistle

Talk to our team or sign up and try Whistle for Free


Manager Training Features


Proven to be 20% more effective than traditional learning methods and a whole lot more convenient for a busy employee, Whistle allows learning elements to be easily integrated throughout the manager training process.

Progress Metrics

One of the largest gaps in most manager training programs is applied learning – practicing a new skill or task.  Whistle can help track actions taken in and out of the platform helping new managers build confidence through the onboarding experience.

Real Time Payments

Real time payments allows small rewards and budgets to be integrated through the manager training experience – rewarding success and maintaining high levels of motivation throughout the manager training journey.


Collect feedback and listen to new employees and managers throughout the manager training journey.  Help identify gaps and opportunities to better support managers as needs change over time.


Automate small monthly payments and budgets to give new managers a sense of ownership over new areas of responsibility. Use incentives as manager training milestones are completed.


Easily integrate with other systems so administrative tasks and steps can be connected to and automated through the manager training experience.

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Timely reward in construction

How does Whistle Manager Training work?

Whistle admin is easy

Create a Whistle account for your company – it just takes a few minutes

Scroll through our program library and choose a manager training program template

Edit your manager training program to make it your own.  Upload videos, integrate learning content, integrate key metrics

Launch your manager training program (even this can be automated if integrated with your HRIS)

Observe progress in real time with progress dashboard