Employee Loyalty Index - understand what moves the needle


Employee Loyalty Index. Make better people decisions

The Whistle Employee Loyalty Index gives leaders the insights to invest in people where and how it’s needed.  Stop guessing when it comes to improving employee loyalty and give your retention and productivity a boost.

Employee Loyalty Index
Easy to manage

Easy to manage

Launch the employee loyalty index in minutes.  It’s remarkably simple to set up, launch and collect feedback from some or all of your employee population.


Identify gaps

Survey questions connect directly to the Whistle Employee Hierarchy of Needs model, identifying gaps and the root causes of your employee loyalty problems.


Connected to actions

The Employee Loyalty Index informs what actions and interventions are needed to improve employee loyalty and drive up metrics like retention and productivity.

Whistle App - Web and Mobile

The Whistle platform automates the complexity of specific people programs, leveraging tools like the employee loyalty index, so companies can move the needle on employee loyalty – improving their top and bottom line in just a few months.

Companies already improving employee loyalty with Whistle

Talk to our team or sign up and try Whistle for Free

Employee Hierarchy of Needs

White Paper: The Employee Hierarchy of Needs

Employee retention has never been a more critical problem for companies that it is today.  The Employee Hierarchy of Needs white paper examines the root cause of this problem – including the disconnect between what employees want and what managers are doing.

  • Review of some of the factors contributing to the challenge of employee loyalty that is driving down employee retention.
  • Examining the root cause of the problem and the disconnect between what employees need and what managers are doing.
  • The Whistle Employee Hierarchy of Needs model as a framework to understand employee needs and develop effective solutions.
  • Specific suggestions for each level of the Employee Hierarchy of Needs model that companies can implement to improve business outcomes like lowering turnover.

Key elements of the Whistle Employee Hierarchy of Needs


Refers to both physical and psychological protection from harm. Am I working in a place that will keep me safe?

Expectations and Basic Capabilities

A clear understanding of what is expected and the skills to be successful in that role. Do I know what is expected of me, and do I have the tools to succeed?

Growth and Mastery

Refers to employees’ opportunities to develop professionally and to experience the satisfaction that comes with continuous growth.  Am I offered opportunities to continue a life-long learning path, improving my value and enjoying a meaningful career progression?

Feeling Valued

Employees feel that their skills and contributions are noticed and appreciated by those around them. Does my manager and my organization appreciate and care about me?


Employees feel a sense of connection to other people within the organization, and ideally to the organization as a whole. Do I feel strongly connected to my colleagues and my organization?

Purpose and Meaning

Employees are deeply aligned to the purpose and mission of the organization. Is the purpose and mission of the organization meaningful to me?

Getting Started with the Employee Loyalty Index

Employee Loyalty Index Signup

Create a Whistle account for your company – it just takes a few minutes

Employee Loyalty Index Hierarchy of needs

Activate your Employee Loyalty Index program and invite the people you want to participate

Employee Loyalty Index Insights

Review results with your Whistle client success team to provide insights into gaps and opportunities

Employee Loyalty Index programs

Take action to improve employee loyalty with a clear set of actions targeting what will move the needle in the short term

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