Employee Loyalty Survey


A Science Based Employee Loyalty Survey

Most companies get employee loyalty wrong, in part because they are focused on the wrong problems.  Whistle can identify what is needed and automate specific people programs to move the needle on employee loyalty – improving key metrics like retention and productivity.  The Employee Loyalty Survey is the first step in that process.

Employee Loyalty Survey App

How does the Employee Loyalty Survey work?

Step 1

Deploy the Survey

Employee Loyalty Survey Launch

Launch the employee loyalty survey in minutes with our easy to use survey template.  It’s remarkably simple to set up, launch and collect feedback from some or all of your employee population.

Step 2

Identify Gaps

Employee Loyalty Survey Results

The Employee Loyalty Survey questions connect directly to the  Employee Hierarchy of Needs model, identifying gaps and the root causes of your employee loyalty problems.  Compare to benchmarks and industry norms.

Step 3

Activate Programs

Employee Loyalty Survey Program Activation

Because Whistle was designed specifically to impact employee loyalty, it’s easy to use program templates to launch programs specific to your needs.  Our client success team is ready and able to help get your program up and running.

Step 4

Measure Impact

Employee Loyalty Survey Insights

Whistle offers a robust set of data and reporting tools so you can easily measure the impact of your program and see how quickly your efforts can impact employee retention and productivity.

Employee Loyalty Survey Desktop App

The Whistle platform is the first platform designed specifically to move the needle on employee loyalty.  Starting with the Employee Loyalty Survey to inform what programs are needed.

Companies already improving employee loyalty with Whistle

Talk to our team or sign up and try Whistle for Free


Employee Hierarchy of Needs

White Paper: The Employee Hierarchy of Needs

Employee retention has never been a more critical problem for companies that it is today.  The Employee Hierarchy of Needs white paper examines the root cause of this problem – including the disconnect between what employees want and what managers are doing.

  • Review of some of the factors contributing to the challenge of employee loyalty that is driving down employee retention.
  • Examining the root cause of the problem and the disconnect between what employees need and what managers are doing.
  • The Whistle Employee Hierarchy of Needs model as a framework to understand employee needs and develop effective solutions.
  • Specific suggestions for each level of the Employee Hierarchy of Needs model that companies can implement to improve business outcomes like lowering turnover.

Employee Loyalty Features


Learning is core to the long term success of any organization or effort to improve employee loyalty.  With specialized learning content for people managers and advanced microlearning technology, Whistle creates learning experiences that produce results.

Progress Metrics

One of the largest gaps in most employee loyalty programs is applied learning – practicing a new skill or task.  Whistle can help track actions taken in and out of the platform and incentivize activities so the right behaviors are put into action.

Real Time Payments

Real time payments allows small rewards and budgets to be integrated through the employee loyalty experience – rewarding success and maintaining high levels of motivation is critical to every team and company.


Collect feedback and listen to new employees and managers throughout the manager training journey.  Help identify gaps and opportunities to better support managers as needs change over time.


Automate small monthly payments and budgets to give new managers a sense of ownership over new areas of responsibility. Use incentives as manager training milestones are completed.


Easily integrate with other systems so administrative tasks and steps can be connected to and automated through the manager training experience.

How do employee loyalty programs work?

Whistle admin is easy

Create a Whistle account for your company – it just takes a few minutes

Activate tools like the employee loyalty index to identify what needs to be improved.

Use the information to inform programs and activities that will quickly move the needle on employee loyalty

Launch one or more employee loyalty programs and start producing results.

Observe progress in real time with progress dashboard

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Timely reward in construction

Contact us to learn more about Whistle and how you can improve employee loyalty for your organization.

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