Data and Articles on Employee Loyalty in Banking - Whistle

Data and research on employee loyalty in the banking industry

A list of the most interesting articles and research we have found (or developed)

78% of banking professionals say they are satisfied with their job, and yet 53% are likely to leave in the next year.

Whistle survey of 200 banking employees across the US. June 2023.

The top 3 reasons bank employees are considering leaving their current bank:

  1. 51% limited career opportunities

  2. 40% inadequate rewards

  3. 40% don’t feel valued

Whistle survey of 200 banking employees across the US. June 2023.

71% of banking professionals prefer cash rewards

Bank professionals prefer cash rewards

Cash is preferred over 4X when compared to company products or merchandise but many banks are still preoccupied with managing gift catalogs and gift cards most bank employees don’t want.

Whistle survey of 200 banking employees across the US. June 2023.

65% of people who quit their job in the finance and insurance industry, moved to a new industry.

The Great Attrition is making hiring harder. Are you searching in the right talent pools? McKinsey

80% of banking professionals want better reward tools.

Whistle survey of 200 banking professionals across the US. June 2023

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